The SCT81620Q device is a wide input, nonsynchronous boost controller. The Device can be used in Boost, SEPIC and Flyback converters and topologies. The switching frequency of the SCT81620Q device can be adjusted to any value between 100kHz and 2.2MHz by using a single external resistor or by synchronizing it to an external clock. Current mode control provides superior bandwidth and transient response in addition to cycle-by-cycle current limiting. Current limit is adjustable through an external resistor. The SCT81620Q is an Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) friendly controller with implementing optimized design for EMI reduction. The SCT81620Q features Frequency Spread Spectrum (FSS) with ±6% jittering span of the switching frequency and modulation rate 1/512 of switching frequency to reduce the conducted EMI. The SCT81620Q device has built-in protection features such as thermal shutdown, short-circuit protection and overvoltage protection. Power-saving shutdown mode reduces the total supply current to 3.4 ?A. Integrated current slope compensation simplifies the design and, if needed for specific applications, can be increased using a single resistor. The device is available in a MSOP-8L(3mm*3mm) Package.